Friday, July 23, 2010

just for me...

hello all in bloggertonvilleshire... I have recently been coming to the conclusion that I need a place just for me. Maybe that's selfish... but well I haven't really had anything that is just for me in a while. You see just over a year ago, my darling son entered the world and five years before that I got married to my love. And whereas I would never ever trade either of them for the world... I am beginning to forget who I am outside of them. Who am I, you might ask? Well my name is Sarah and I have a lot of loves. I may use that word too freely sometimes, but in all seriousness that's how I feel. My biggest love is God. He is my rock. I also love love love my husband Colin and my precious baby boy Rupert. Friends and family are also a great source of love for me. And yes these characters will, I'm sure, show up throughout my blog... however I have a separate blog with the daily happenings and joys of our family.
This blog my dears is a place for my long lost creativity. For the passions that I have lurking deep beneath my diaper bag and scheduled calendar. This is a place for me to be a creative genius as well as a mommy and wife! Well maybe not genius... but gosh darn it I'm going to have fun...
What will you find here if not diapers and calendars???? Well my dears a bit of everything is to be found... my musings, photography, fashion, decorating, art... who knows what else! Mainly just things that I love. I don't know if anyone will care about the things that I love, and I may have zero followers but I am ok with that. Because this place is for me, however visitors are always welcome :D Post a comment if you found me.


  1. Just found you today! I am really happy you are doing this as you are very creative - and about time for you it!

  2. ...maybe you should put writing in that creative resume !...well done!

  3. Hi Sarah! I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and I can identify with the idea of losing yourself, especially in the earlier days of parenthood. :)

  4. I care S-club! good for you!!! Looking forward to important for us mommies not to get lost in the craziness of day to day :)

  5. I was talking to a girlfriend and she seems to have the same problem... I'm going to direct her here and encourage her to find herself again after mommyhood. Thanks S--you're inspiring!
